air freight

Benefit Air Freight Transport And Know Its Drawbacks

Benefit Air Freight Transport And Know Its Drawbacks– Air transportation is all forms of tools or facilities that function to move, carry, or travel passengers and other goods by utilizing air space as a traffic medium. Currently, many Indonesian people choose air transportation. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of air transportation compared to sea transportation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of air transportation over sea transportation?.

Often you will ask what are the advantages and disadvantages of air transportation compared to sea transportation. For this reason, consider the explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of air transportation. Following Benefit Air Freight Transport And Know Its Drawbacks.

Advantages of Air Transportation

Shorter Travel Time

Compared to sea transportation, air transportation is indeed superior in terms of time. Even travel between islands or between provinces can be faster and save time.

More Kinds of Goods Sent

Short travel times make shipping goods much more profitable if you use air transportation. In addition, the goods sent are also more varied. This is what encourages export-import activities to be carried out easily.

Wider Area Coverage

Air transportation facilities can reach a wider area. Even air transportation can also be used to assist the evacuation process in places that are difficult to reach by other means of transportation.

Disadvantages of Air Transportation

Requires Bigger Funds :Although it has many advantages, one of the disadvantages of transportation is that it requires larger funds. As a result, only the middle to upper economic class people can use this air transportation. More Dependent on Natural Conditions: Air transportation has a greater risk when the natural conditions are bad. Therefore, travel using air transportation usually depends on clouds and weather.

More Expensive Treatment Costs: Compared to sea transportation, the maintenance cost of air transportation tends to be more expensive, both from the maintenance of the engine and its components. Moreover, most components must be imported from abroad.  Advantages When Riding Air Transportation, What Are?

Expenditures Become More Efficient

One of the advantages of using air transportation is that it saves money. The cost of transportation when you use air transportation is certainly different if you use a private vehicle. This is because air freight rates are quite cheap and affordable.

For example, if you choose to use KRL (electric train), the fare is only IDR 3,000 for the first 1-25 km, and the rest is a multiple of IDR 1,000 for every next 10 km. Meanwhile, Transjakarta buses only cost Rp. 3,500 and are free to transit anywhere. Of course this will reduce your daily expenses when compared to using a private vehicle, right? Because in addition to gasoline, you also have to prepare money for the cost of parts and vehicle maintenance.

Save Energy So You Are Not Too Tired

Of course, driving or driving a private vehicle is certainly more exhausting than just sitting in an air transport that has been driven by the driver or driver. Not to mention when faced with traffic jams, driving a private vehicle will only get more tiring. However, if you use air transportation, you just have to sit back as a passenger and wait for your destination.

Don’t bother looking for parking space

If you have a private vehicle, it means that you must also be prepared with the availability of parking space. Don’t let the vehicles we have actually disturb other people because they use land / roads owned by air.

This is different when you rely on air transportation. You don’t have to worry about adding an area or buying a plot of land for vehicle parking, right? Apart from that, another convenience is that when you suddenly want to stop by somewhere in the middle of your trip, you just need to get off the air transport, you don’t need to be confused and dizzy looking for a parking space for a while.

Supporting a Clean and Healthy Environment

B20 is the result of mixing diesel with 20% palm oil. By using air transportation, you can indirectly help support the program to create a clean and healthy environment. For example, the Go Green program. By using air transport, of course you will reduce the potential increase in air pollution.

In addition, other programs such as reducing the level of congestion are also advantages of using air transportation. Not only that, you too a can help the Government to optimize fuel subsidies. Very helpful, right?

Makes You Move More

The number of processes when going to the destination is what indirectly makes the body healthier and fitter. This is certainly very beneficial for those of you who don’t have time to exercise. Don’t many health experts recommend walking at least 30 minutes per day? Well, here’s the chance.

As an Event to Socialize

No need to worry if you have to go to a party by train. Here are tips to stay looking beautiful when you arrive at the party.

Air transportation is certainly used by many people. That way, you can automatically make it a place to socialize and communicate with other people who use air vehicles. It’s not impossible that your connection will increase because of air transportation.

Can Observe the Latest Changes or Trends

When using air transportation, you will indirectly often observe the changes that occur around you. Starting from fashion trends to people’s behavior.

More comfortable

With the decreasing number of vehicles on the road, of course, the accident rate is also lower. If the number of accidents decreases, all the losses experienced by a city will certainly decrease. Therefore, indirectly using an air vehicle will make you more comfortable.

Start Using Air Transport from Now

Although sometimes feel reluctant and lazy, there are many advantages to using air transportation. Moreover, now the government is increasingly improving the quality and quantity of existing air transportation so that it is increasingly attracting public interest to always use air transportation. So that’s the discussion about Benefit Air Freight Transport And Know Its Drawbacks.

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