What Is Warehouse Management– A warehouse is a logistics system of a company that functions to store products and provide information, regarding the status and condition of the material or product being stored, until the goods are requested according to the production schedule or according to customer requests.
Warehouse Management is an arrangement to manage warehousing and distribution of goods so that the stock of stored goods remains in good condition until later it will be distributed to requesters or customers at a specific time with the right amount. Then how to run warehouse management? And What Is Warehouse Management.
What to Pay Attention to in Warehouse Management
Warehouse management or warehouse management is the management of interrelated activities in the temporary storage of goods. Some of these temporary goods storage activities are divided into receiving raw materials or goods from suppliers, handling goods, and releasing goods to the destination of the production location.
Implementing a warehouse management system is something that should be done if you want to run a business for a long period. This is because the warehouse management system is directly related to the sales process. If it turns out that the company’s warehousing system is not organized, the company will likely get a loss.
Therefore, understanding how to manage a warehouse is something you should not ignore. That way, the flow of goods will be neatly structured and you can immediately check it at any time. So to implement good warehouse management several steps must be taken as below:
Prepare the Storage Warehouse
The first thing you need to do is, provide a special place to store your business stock. Because with a special place, it will be very easy for you when you want to organize and manage stock of goods. What if the business is still small? You can search for a place and adjust it to the number of items in stock in your business. You can also use a shelf, display case, or use used goods such as cardboard to keep stock of your business goods.
Collect Stock Data
To manage the stock of goods in the warehouse, assign a special person who is responsible for carrying out the task of taking notes. The task is carried out to record incoming and outgoing stock of goods. The purpose of this recording task is so that you can find out in advance the data from the previous period, after that, you can determine marketing targets and sales forecasts for the current period as well as the future.
In addition to being done manually, the recording task can also be assisted with a support program so that the results of the recording will be more accurate. To make it easier for you to manage stock, you can take advantage of the Bisnis Kit application by downloading it via the App Store (IOS) and Android.
Forecasting Stock Items
Forecasting or estimating the stock of goods in the form of how much inventory will be needed. This is not an easy stage when you have product sales of various types. Why is it not an easy step if the products in your business are of various types?
Because in this activity you have to determine the amount per item in the stock of your business. In warehouse management, you also have to create a schedule for the inventory of these items. Determine a schedule for purchasing inventory and a schedule for when the inventory will leave the warehouse.
Give a Code on Every Item
Giving a code to each item will make it easier for you to sell goods. For example, if a customer buys a shirt with an OR code which means orange, then you as a seller will immediately understand and the process of picking up the goods does not take long. Giving codes will also help the process of organizing goods in your business warehouse.
For example, if you have 100 items in stock, give the code 001-100, then you can make 10 boxes or boxes, with each box containing only a few code sequences. Code 001-010 is in box 1, code 010-020 is in box 2, and so on. And when it’s time for a customer to order an item with the code 015, then you only need to go to box number 2, very effective, isn’t it?
Separate New Stock and Old Stock
If you mix new stock and old stock, you will be confused later when recording data as well as checking goods. If allowed to continue, it can also slow down the production process and also the delivery of goods to customers.
Separate old stock and new stock, to make it easier to find out the amount of old stock that was sold and not sold. To avoid mixing old stock and new stock, you can provide a special place for new stock to separate from old stock.
Do Checks Periodically
Make sure that you always check the goods before putting them on the goods shelf, you can do this checking process before giving the code. This process is carried out to find out whether or not there is a defect in the stockpile of your business goods.
If you find defective goods, you can collect them in a special place for defective goods and don’t forget to also give a sign or small note as a description of the defective Goods in the place. To get customer satisfaction, you should not sell goods in a defective condition.
Record Routinely
Make regular records of every item that comes in, changes places, and items go out. You can do a stock take periodically as needed to assist you in managing stock in the warehouse. Stock taking is a periodic process that is carried out to physically count your business goods and the inventory that is owned by a business, and then the results are compared with the amount in the inventory records.
Benefits of Stock Management in Warehouse
Of course, there are benefits from stock management in the warehouse, including: Maintain the quality and quantity of logistics as well as other equipment. Assist in the arrangement of logistics and equipment. Improve distribution services. Provide accurate, current, and accountable data and information. Facilitate access in control and supervision, as well as regulate administrative processes.
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