Here Pros And Cons Of Air Freight- Transportation is a means created to make it easier for someone to carry out activities, be it on land, sea, or air. As we know now various means of transportation can make it easier for us to move from one place to another. The means of transportation in this world have their advantages and disadvantages and all of them connect. However, all transportation is useful to lighten the burden of humans in carrying out their activities.
But, do you know the meaning of means of transportation? So, a means of transportation is an object that can move and can transport objects and people from one place to another. There are lots of means of transportation around the world, ranging from land, sea, and air transportation. So that you get to know the various types of transportation in more detail. Let’s see the explanation below. The author will explain the pros and cons of air transportation. Following Pros And Cons Of Air Freight.
Air Freight
Air transportation is any activity using aircraft to transport passengers, cargo, or posts for one or more trips from one airport to another or several airports. Pros and Cons of Flying an Airplane Mandatory PCR Test, Isn’t It Enough to Use an Antigen Test?
The mandatory rule of PCR as a condition for boarding a plane is controversial. Some consider this a powerful way to eradicate corona, but others consider it burdensome and inconsistent because it does not apply to land transportation.
The mandatory PCR regulation as a condition for boarding a plane is contained in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) levels 3, 2, and 1 of COVID-19 in Java-Bali.
The regulation states that prospective airplane passengers must include a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test which will officially take effect on October 24, 2021. Prof. Dr. Iris Rengganis, SPD-KAI, Consul for Allergy Immunology from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) explained the importance of It is important to remember that vaccines cannot 100% protect a person from the COVID-19 virus.
The problem is that once again there is no vaccine with 100 percent protection, he explained in the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Biotech webinar. In addition, the PCR test has a higher level of sensitivity in detecting than the antigen swab. Lung Specialist Dr. Handoko Gunawan, SpP FCCP, explained that in many cases the results of antigens with PCR tests can be different. A negative antigen result does not necessarily mean that the PCR result is also negative.
However, not all support the controversial rule. Dr. Masdalina Pane from the Association of Indonesian Epidemiologists (PAEI) assessed that the mandatory rules for PCR testing when boarding a plane are inconsistent because they do not apply to land transportation. He questions its effectiveness if the goal is to limit mobility.
If the goal is to suppress mobility ahead of Christmas and New Year’s, of course, this is not right. Because the importance of mobilization is not related to the type of test, explained epidemiologist from the Association of Indonesian Epidemiologists (PAEI), Dr. Masdalina Pane.
On the other hand, he assessed that the risk of transmission is higher inland transportation such as buses and trains because the duration of the trip is longer. Meanwhile, in the applicable regulations, land transportation is sufficient to require an antigen test.
Even business actors such as bus and truck drivers can apply for 14 days. The question is, what is the meaning of tests on travelers on control techniques? he concluded. The lowest transmission of corona on airplanes?
Meanwhile, Dr. Tirta through his Twitter account, @tirta_cipeng, encouraged PCR swabs to be a diagnostic and screening tool using only antigen swabs. Because, he said, the transmission of corona on the plane was low.
Return the function of the PCR swab to a diagnostic tool. Enough antigen screening alone. Because it’s a bit strange, why only take a plane that requires a PCR swab. Even though several scientific sources have emphasized that the transmission on the plane is the lowest.
To note, it is true that there are studies that reveal the transmission on the plane. According to research from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the chances of contracting the coronavirus on an airplane are even smaller than being struck by lightning.
With only 44 cases among 1.2 billion passengers, that’s 1 in every 27 million passengers. Back to Dr. Tirta’s explanation. He also compared it to the cinema, which only needed the vaccine twice. Though the risk of transmission in the cinema is high.
Even cinemas, which have a higher risk of transmission, have been opened, it is enough to vaccinate 2x and care for protection. While the plane must PCR. I’m sure netizens also understand this. The policymakers should not have ACC flying policies, they have to have a PCR swab first, just an antigen swab. He also compared this PCR policy to ground transportation. He urged that this policy be revised immediately.
Task Force Spokesperson: PCR is the most sensitive testing method
The spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Wiki Adisasmito, explained that the PCR test was used because it was the most sensitive testing method. PCR as a more sensitive testing method can detect infected people better than rapid antigens, so the potential for detected people to escape and infect other people in dense capacity settings can be minimized.
Wiki said the PCR test requirements were enforced considering that seat distancing was no longer implemented on the plane, so a more accurate screening test was needed. Its capacity was increased from 70 percent to 100 percent. So, to ensure those who travel are in good health, it is ensured by a more accurate screening test.
Kinds of Air Transportation
This type of transportation is a means of transportation that operates in the air. Just like land and sea transportation, air transportation also has various functions, depending on the type of transportation itself. Get to know various other airplanes, such as passenger, cargo, military, and many more aircraft which are discussed in detail in the book Fun Getting to Know Airplane Transportation.
Air transportation is divided into several types depending on their respective functions. In this discussion, the author will share information about various types of air transportation that you need to know. Here is the full explanation:
- Civilian Passenger Aircraft
- Experimental Aircraft
- Military Aircraft
- Transport Plane
- Piston Aircraft
- Turbofan Aircraft
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